Sunday, October 16, 2016

Gumshoe by Robert Leininger

Gumshoe by Robert Leininger.  2015.

Everybody thinks they want to be a private eye, right?  Gumshoe follows an IRS Investigator who does that.  The first part of the book will make private eye fans chuckle at the genre cliches Leininger lampoons.  The middle part will make the reader wish he or she visited Reno at least once.  The final part of the book is tricky and unpredictable.  Overall, Mortimer Angel's voice is interesting and seems like how any reader would see the world if he or she made the life decision to become an investigator.  Highlights:  insider's description of Reno, colorful side characters, and meaty enough plot to read for a week.

Final analysis:  Reserve it at the library and enjoy.

Links if you want to know more:

Conversation with Robert Leininger

Official Robert Leininger Website